Pink roses carry many beautiful meanings. Light pink roses mean gentleness and admiration. There is nothing more classic than sending a beautiful bouquet of fresh roses as a symbol of love. Photo shown: 6 stalks roses bouquet. *Shade of pink subjects to availability
Did you know that the number of roses you give, there’s a hidden meaning behind them. Should you want to send a secret message to your loved ones, feel free to tell us how many roses to add.
- 5 Roses – a great way signify your love for a special someone. If you want to show a partner or friend how much you care for them, five roses is an ideal option.
- 6 Roses – signifies ‘I want to be yours’. If you’re dating someone and wish to take your relationship to the next level, gifting them with six roses is the perfect way to subtly express those feelings.
- 9 Roses – a symbol of eternal love. You would often give this exact number of roses to those you wish to spend the rest of life with.
- 10 Roses – a simple yet powerful way to tell a special someone ‘they’re perfect’.
- 11 Roses – ‘you are my treasured one’.
- 12 Roses – gifting someone you are fond of with 12 single roses is a simple way to ask them to be yours.
Please note that due to seasonal availability of flowers it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. Our skilled florists may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. Where our designs like a vase or basket it may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed. If such an occasion arises we will make every effort to replace the item with a suitable alternative. Pace Flowers & Gifts reserve the right to replace any item with another of equivalent value depending on availability.
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