Graduation is a joyful celebration of one’s life milestones. A small graduation bouquet can still have a great impact and meaning. It’s not the size of the bouquet that matters, but the thought and care that goes into it. A small bouquet can be just as meaningful as a large one, especially if it includes the graduate’s favorite flower and color.
This graduation bouquet features in soap flower so that it can be stored up to 2 years. Perfect option for people who might be allergic to fresh flowers. Soap rose is manmade flower, made with soap ingredients and have a subtle soap scent, it designed to look beauty like real flowers. Soap flowers are easy to care for, just simply avoid contact with water. Not recommends using it as hand wash and body wash. Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent color fading.
Pace Flowers & Gifts reserve the right to replace any item with another of equivalent value depending on availability.
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