Cash is a great option if you are unsure what to give, cash is a good choice to give. No matter how you gift money, make it meaningful. A heart-shaped money bouquet with Caspia is a creative and unique way to gift money to someone special with special meaning.
*Photo shown: 41pcs money notes fold with Caspia (RM100x1, RM50x5, RM10x15, RM5x20), fairy lights included.
- Order must be placed at least 5 working days prior to the collection date.
- All money notes are protected with banknote sleeve
- Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product. Due to differences in money notes, colors and theme.
- Self-collection is preferred as we will not be responsible for any losses, damages or other liabilities
Pace Flowers & Gifts reserve the right to replace any item with another of equivalent value depending on availability. Made upon order, no rushing order kindly order before the date needed.
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